hysop.backend.host.python.operator.transpose module¶
- class hysop.backend.host.python.operator.transpose.PythonTranspose(**kwds)[source]¶
Inplace and out of place field transposition and permutations in general. Uses basic numpy transposition facility.
Initialize a Transpose operator on the python backend.
- apply(**kwds)¶
Abstract method that should be implemented. Applies this node (operator, computational graph operator…).
- discretize()[source]¶
By default, an operator discretize all its variables. For each input continuous field that is also an output field, input topology may be different from the output topology.
After this call, one can access self.input_discrete_fields and self.output_discrete_fields, which contains input and output dicretised fields mapped by continuous fields.
self.discrete_fields will be a tuple containing all input and output discrete fields.
Discrete tensor fields are built back from discretized scalar fields and are accessible from self.input_tensor_fields, self.output_tensor_fields and self.discrete_tensor_fields like their scalar counterpart.
- get_field_requirements()[source]¶
Called just after handle_method(), ie self.method has been set. Field requirements are:
required local and global transposition state, if any.
required memory ordering (either C or Fortran)
Default is Backend.HOST, no min or max ghosts, MemoryOrdering.ANY and no specific default transposition state for each input and output variables.